How did it get to be THURSDAY already?! A week ago today we left Oregon for our three day drive back. And now we're back in full swing of busyness! Sunday we unpacked the nicely packed trailer. So nice in fact that when it all got into the house I wondered how it all ever fit in the trailer! It looked like we were moving in again! About halfway through that, Jake got a wild hair and decided we needed to go to town. We had some money left over from our trip (Thanks to his parents and my moms gracious $ gift before we left!) so we decided to put it to good use and buy a new carpet remnant for the living room. We've been wanting one for awhile now b/c the current one was NASTY with track marks and stains. Lesson learned about buying cream colored carpet. The new one is much darker. So, into town we went. Ate at a restaurant we'd never been to before (The Roll'n Pin) and had THE BEST omellette I've ever had. Oh it was delicious! The boys had pancakes....which later proved to be a mistake by how INSANE they were in the stores. Sugar rush. Hate those. Especially in children. So after picking out carpet and running to Walmart (it's a must it seems everytime!)we came home so Jake could get the truck to pick up the carpet. The van could not transport a 12x10 area rug! By the time we got back though, I was frazzled to the CORE from our trip so I laid down a bit. I said "wake me in 20 minutes." AN HOUR LATER I woke up (haha!) and Jake went back to the store. I cannot for the life of me remember what we did for dinner. At all.
Monday I went back into town with just Owen to return two things and get some groceries since the commissary is closed on Mondays. BRILLIANT rule the military has there. Jake had to go back to work this day too, which was lame for all. So, to perk us up, the boys an I went and picked out some movies at the store. They watched theirs while I made dinner (yummy chicken salad!) and then after they went to bed I watched one of mine. I stayed up late thinking "So glad I quit my job! I have my nights back now!"
Oh yeah, I quit the coffee shop mainly b/c of Jake's job, but there are other perks for me too..... like getting to stay up late again, getting to sleep later than 4am, being up with the boys when they wake up, etc. Now, if I could only get back into the swing of getting up before them, that would be perfect. I definately prefer that to them waking me up. It turned out to be the right decision b/c instantly back to work, and Jake is already coming home at unpredictable times, already been called in early, and will start 12 hour shifts again soon. So, good choice overall.
Tuesday I cleaned like a MADWOMAN. And a madwoman I was! I was furious about the mess still in the house from the trailer, annoyed by the bomb that went off in the kitchen, and frustrated b/c I had SO MUCH TO DO. So, I turned off the computer and did it. I was SO HAPPY at the end of it all when I had eliminated a few stressors. I had a friends three kids that night too until after 11pm! Good thing I had tackled those messes before hand! Their daddy was having knee surgery and the hospital was running WAY behind. Poor kiddos were tired!
Wednesday was just a bit of puttering around the house, not doing much. We had a nice big lunch together before Jake went to work. That was nice and one of the first times we've sat down quietly together as a family since we've been back. After Jake went to work I got ready and we went to Feed Your Faith night at church. LOVE THIS. Go early, have dinner with a bunch of people, then go off to whichever study you want. I chose the Discovering God's Will study. In theory, great. Actually in the room, not so great. I wasn't thrilled with the guy leading it. It was more like a preaching session than a bible study discussion. No one could get a word in edgewise and I left there not understanding the study book AT ALL. We didn't follow along and the guy had a hard time staying on topic....pinged around a lot. That is hard for me to follow. I need a structured time of following along in the book and discussion. Might have to rethink this class. Bummer is though, I wrote in the book so I can't give it back, and I feel bad for just taking it and not giving it back. ugh. After that we went and got ice cream and I watched them ride bikes in the driveway and on the sidewalk. They ended up sweeping the sidwalk and street though after seeing me sweep the front walkway. haha! After that it was bath and bed. Aidan and Dylan ended up sleeping in the same room last night. They actually did really good. I'm secretly hoping that it works out so I can have an office room. YES. haha! After that, my friend Jennifer came over and we watched Valentine's Day (HILARIOUS!), ate chips, dip, and cold pizza,and had some wine. Fun impromptu girls night!
The boys have been a handlful since we've been back too.... I REALLY need to focus on reigning them in. Respect is a big issue lately. I'm not blaming it on being home, because it was a problem before we left, but a month of not being able to address it everytime it needed addressing was not good. And just being out of our element for so long didn't help either. I am glad to be home and back to normal! Well, as normal as normal can be right now. haha! Aidan has relaxed a bit since being back so that's good. He has been SUPER loving and always has a hug and kiss for me. Dylan has calmed down a bit from his crazy behavior where he acts embarrassed all the time. The kid is getting himself dressed each morning on his own without being asked....complete with his Spiderman watch. haha! He puts it on OVER his sleeves though (yes, we're still wearing long sleeves on some days. LOL). Owen, Owen, Owen.... that boy got some GUTS since coming home too. Defiant! He's been in quite a bit of trouble. He's discovered how to pair the word "NO!" with the perfect naughty tone. LOL Funny, but not good.
I always find that after we've not been around the boys 24/7 for awhile, that when we are again, it's always rough. When we go home, there is the option to leave them with the grandparents to go do something. Here, there isn't that option. I mean, we have friends who watch them, but it's not the same as taking off for the whole day knowing they are totally fine, fed, and put to bed without us worrying about if its too much. So now being aroud eachother constantly again has made me a little cross eyed. I remember this from when we moved here, and from when we got home last year though. Just readjusting. And this is what always makes me think I never want to take a trip that long again. I really do not like being gone that long..... we need to figure something else out!
Plans for the weekend....not much at all really. I have a MOPS Steering meeting tomorrow, then a meeting right after to discuss the convention details. Tomorrow night I'm going with my friend Jenna to sit at her booth for the Relay for Life deal...I'm not even entirely sure what that is (LOL), but I want to go and hang out with her. I was gone for a month, came home to her gone until today. Then she PCS's in July. I am SO BUMMED.... she is one of my greatest friends here and has made my time here so great. I'm going to miss her. Blessing and curse of the military life.
Honestly, this weekend I hope to stay home, do some housework/yardwork, grill, have a backyard fire, and just CHILL. That sounds perfect!
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