Saturday, June 12, 2010

Family Date Night: dinner and a movie!

Tonight we took the boys to see Furry Vengeance (click on that and watch the trailer!) For a family movie it was pretty good.... no bad language at all really, that I remember anyway...and I'm usually pretty good about that with the kids. The theater was PACKED with kiddos and parents. On base, you find that A LOT no matter WHAT the rating is.

Owen sat with one of us the entire time b/c he was too little to sit in the seat without it folding in on him. haha! Dylan did awesome through the entire thing! Aidan sat in my lap a few minutes into it. He got antsy and wanted to go home halfway through the movie. As my mother-in-law said tonight, he is SUCH a homebody! He really is. He'd rather be home than just about anywhere. ACTUALLY, he asked if we could leave and go to Michelle's house. haha! He loves her!

Before the movie we went and ate at the bowling alley. Whoopideedoo.... but the boys LOVE it. To them it's so exciting! So, that works for all of us. Exciting for them, quick and easy for us!

All in all, great family date night! Now, at 11:10pm, Jake and I are going to watch a movie by ourselves. Night owls. ooh ooh!

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